About us

About us

a craft…

We provide craftspeople with sustainable and difficult-to-source piano supplies and the training to use them effectively. Our aim is to give you the resources to make your craft the best it can be.

…by any other name…

A keynote is the fundamental tone of a scale. In keeping with our name, we aspire to be a fundamental resource for piano technology.

…is an art

Access to the finest materials is paramount to the success of any craftsperson. We provide exceptional resources so you can achieve impeccable results.

Keynote Piano Supply

Photo of Mathias Walters

Mathias Walters, founder

A pianist, piano technician, and woodworker with a passion for antiques, Mathias aims to make products and techniques more accessible, adapting to industry changes while respecting the long history of the trade.

Apart from his piano work, Mathias maintains a small collection of antique hand tools, many of which are actively used in the day-to-day work in the shop.